Archery and Niching: The Alternative Art of Targeting for Soulful Brand Success

Aug 07, 2024

Imagine standing in the vast expanse of an Olympic stadium in France, the crowd holding its breath as you draw back your bow, aiming for that elusive bullseye.

Archery, a sport of precision, focus, and exact targeting, seems to encapsulate what many believe about niching in business.

You pick a target, aim, and with the right conditions, you hit your mark. However, the truth is far more nuanced and liberating when it comes to marketing and brand building.

As the Soulful Brand Mentor behind “Grow Happy Like a Rich Hippie,” I often encounter women entrepreneurs who dread the word “niche.” To them, it signifies yet another confining box, a continuation of their life restrictions. From fitting into societal expectations in school, university, and careers to now being told to squeeze their multifaceted dreams into a single target market—it feels like a step backwards from the freedom they seek in entrepreneurship.


But what if I told you that niching isn’t about targeting something outside of you with precision, like archery? Instead, imagine your business opportunities as a garden. Inside you are many different flowers, each representing a unique passion and ability. Niching is about choosing the flower you love to care for the most and dedicating yourself to nurturing it.

When you concentrate on this one beloved flower, you can adapt your care precisely to its needs, ensuring it thrives. This approach simplifies your efforts and allows you to become an expert in cultivating this specific type of flower. As a solopreneur, focusing on a specific niche from a place of passion and authenticity makes your business more manageable and focused.

Once you master caring for your chosen flower and your business starts to grow, you can then expand your garden. With more experience, resources, or a team, you can introduce new flowers representing new market segments. Gradually, your garden will become more diverse and vibrant, but it all starts with that first carefully chosen flower.


This shift from an external focus to an internal alignment with your true passions transforms the concept of targeting. It’s no longer about constraining your brand to a narrowly defined market but about being attuned to your authentic self and naturally attracting the audience that resonates with you and what you offer.


At the Soul’s Brand Workshop, I show you how to identify and utilize the right tools to grow your business online, ensuring that you make money while staying true to your core values and aspirations. You’ll learn how to fluidly adapt to the needs of your audience without feeling boxed in by a rigid niche.

Marketing targeting should not be a relentless pursuit of a single, ever-elusive bullseye. Instead, embrace the mission-driven approach: equip yourself with the right tools, remain adaptable, and let your brand grow organically and abundantly. Join me at the Soul’s Brand Workshop to discover how to build a brand that feels good, makes money, and helps you grow in every aspect of your life.

Let’s embark on this journey together—because building a brand should be as fulfilling and

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