Branding and Lifestyle: Creating Connections that Matter

Jun 12, 2024

Why do some brands resonate deeply with us while others don't? It's because they reflect a lifestyle or personality that aligns with ours. If you're an extreme adventurer, Red Bull's message of giving you wings most probably speaks directly to you.


Similarly, my brand, Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie, embodies freedom. It's about being present, doing what you love, and sustaining yourself financially. This brand is about wealth in all aspects of life, with a bohemian, independent vibe. It encourages you to shape life around you, rather than letting life shape you.

After 20 years in a high-pressure marketing & sales career, I longed for freedom. Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie is my response to this yearning, expressing wonder about life beyond materialism.


Now, I help business owners who walk the soul's talk. A brand should express your lifestyle and service, reflecting what lives in your heart. Shift from describing what you do to expressing who you are and the benefits you deliver.

In my sessions and workshops, I emphasize outcomes. The present moment is all we truly have. The essence of branding lies in being, not just doing. Many of us believe we must do a lot to achieve anything. But in life and marketing, the cause should follow the effect.

😌 peace♡

Imagine focusing on the effect you want. This shift means thinking of clean dishes and then effortlessly achieving them rather than fixating on the chore itself. Your energy shifts, transforming tasks into by-products of your mindset.

This is the essence of soul branding. We deliver value and benefits, letting brand-building happen organically as we stay present. This is why working on your brand identity is crucial. Once you are centered on who you are, the rest follows naturally.

So, forget endless actions and strategies online.

✧₊⁺ Let's instead grow happy like a rich hippie.

grow happy like a rich hippie

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PS: My husband Mark, our son Finian (6), and I are currently traveling for 2 to 3 months through France, Portugal, and Spain. We're bringing my work as THE SOULFUL BRAND MENTOR into the context of a freedom lifestyle. For us, this is living our dream—this is living Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie. For Finian, it means exploring the world from a different perspective before starting Montessori school. You find out how that looks and feels in my Instagram stories.

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