When the Sun Sets: In loving memory

Aug 14, 2024

There’s a unique, bittersweet beauty in watching the sun set—a moment when the day comes to a close, inviting us to reflect on what truly mattered.

Today (Tuesday 13th Aug), as I watch the sky turn pink and the light fade, I’m overwhelmed by the loss of someone dear to me. I grieve not just for her absence but for the moments we never got to share—the conversations we’ll never have, the experiences that will never be.


But as I sit with this grief, I realise something profound: those moments I mourn were never real. They were just ideas, illusions of what could have been. What was real were the moments we did share—the laughter, the talks, the quiet times together. Those memories, not the imagined ones, bring me comfort and peace.


In our lives and businesses, we often fall into the trap of chasing future dreams, imagining a perfect outcome somewhere down the road. We hustle, grind, and push ourselves, thinking that, someday, it will all pay off. But what about today? Are we living and working in a way that truly aligns with our deepest desires?


At the Souls Brand Workshop, I help you uncover where you might be stuck in patterns that don’t serve you and how to realign with what you genuinely want to create. It’s about making choices today that lead to a business—and a life—that feels fulfilling and true.

As the sun sets tonight, by the lake, I find peace in remembering the real moments I shared with my loved one, and I’m reminded to focus on what’s real in my life and business now. I want the same for you—to end each day feeling like it was worth living, worth working on, with no regrets.

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