Hi, Im Sonja Sonja, mindset coach, soulful business

You're in the right place, if:

lotus flower

... you find PEACE and ABUNDANCE on your YOGA mat but you can’t seem to carry that into your OFFICE life?

lotus flower

... you try to live a yogic LIFESTYLE while shackled to a DESK JOB that stifles your true essence?

lotus flower

... you dream of taking the LEAP and creating a work life that TRULY reflects who YOU are and what you LOVE?

That's why I created:

But do you dismiss
escape as 'just'
a dream?

let's face it:

Bird escaped from a cager
worrying thoughts

"Where would I even begin? I barely have time to breathe."

"The risks are too high—what about my mortgage, children's education, and pension?"

The thing that keeps you imprisoned + attracted

is the dreaded:

Maybe you dismiss
escape as 'just'
a dream?

let's face it:

Bird escaped from a cager
worrying thoughts

"Where would I even begin? I barely have time to breathe."

"The risks are too high—what about my mortgage, children's education, and pension?"

The thing that keeps you imprisoned + attracted

is the dreaded:

Money Beast 

beast claw marks

And now, you find yourself here, but think:

Big NO

"Naturally, escape is a dream; better not question my reality, my stability..."

"Is this another of those 'Get-Rich-Quick' schemes wasting my time with false hopes and promises?"

Still Here?

Let’s have an honest
chat about this.

serious eyes

You're absolutely right: I'm not offering some 'magic pill' ✨ that will suddenly free you from all your chains.


I do invite you to gently alter course on a magical ✨ voyage of inner CHANGE. Think beyond the system and discover the compelling alternative world of 'Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie™'.

light bulb

'Wealth Initiator' is an engaging online experience for YOGIS on the brink of, or amidst the journey of leaving their 9-5.

light bulb

It’s your FIRST step in moving away from a job that drains you because it all starts in the mind...

light bulb

It’s the STARTING line if you are considering escaping, ideally to launch your own business, or let’s call it a ‘passion’ project.

Money is super important, but true wealth is about so much more, so ...

the online course

Check it out ...


Your Expansion Now

60-day satisfaction money-back guarantee

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"What's do I get?"

tick box

Approx. 1 hour of video masterclass presented in bite-sized chunks + 1 hour of beautifully illustrated and thought-provoking notes / fun exercises.

tick box

Access to lesson-specific discussion areas where you can post questions and insights on select lessons, connecting with me and fellow participants.

"How will it help me?"

light bulb

l teach you how to initiate wealth from your inner self: CONQUER the MONEY BEAST and embrace a life full of true wealth and personal happiness.

light bulb

Unveil the magic of your 5 INNER BUSINESS GURUS. These are the secret allies guiding your successful entrepreneurial journey, and I'll show you how to awaken and harness their strength as you leap into your new venture.

light bulb

Benefit from 5 years of research curated for you - the career escapee...

so you don't need to digest a zillion self-help books.

your soul's light

5 modules ...

... 5 inner business GURUs

Think of them as your internal board of advisors in YOUR NEW FUTURE COMPANY, shaping a mindset that fuels personal growth and lasting prosperity.

They are...


Facilitating the realization of who you truly are

Vibrant Creator

Fuelling your transformation

Radiant Hero

Healing your past wounds and triggers

Soulful Leader

Implementing your life change

Liberated Legend

Expanding your nature & trusting

... their wisdom is already inside you, waiting to be awakened.

guaranteed ...

radiant gift

Risk-Free Investment of time and money!

Not sure if this is for you?

After you access the course, head straight to Guru 05 - Liberated Legend - serving life, and within 10 minutes, you’ll know.

If it's not a fit, a quick and easy refund is available (at the click of a button) for up to 60 days.

Zero Changes Required in your outside world!

No need to upend your life or make drastic decisions - you can start right where you are and get going now.

your soul's light

"Your soul's light is always shining, even when obscured, much like the sun's concealed presence on a cloudy day." (quote and illustration from "Radiant Hero" Module)

imagine ...


You're six years old again...

Your eyes sparkle with curiosity

Your heart beats to the rhythm of boundless dreams. How would that vibrant, innocent version of you feel if told that you'd spend 40 years, day after day, confined to a cubicle, submerged in someone else's reality - someone else’s success? Feel it... allow the emotion to grow really big.


Give yourself space to contemplate your current work situation. Allow thoughts about your six-year-old version of yourself, your present self, and your desired future self to arise in your consciousness. From this space comes clarity, and from the clarity comes inspiration. When you walk with the truth, positive change is inevitable.

Imagine taking that smaller version of yourself - that innocent six-year-old child - into your arms and whispering that it is in good hands now!

If this sort of exercise speaks to you and you want to delve deeper, click the buy button below. You will not regret it!


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60-day satisfaction money-back guarantee

high-fives ...

To the 'Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie' fans

and my coaching clients who've already tested 'Wealth Initiator' to make it better for YOU. I fixed all the critique points, so what remains is the LOVE ...

so, let's hear it:

star cluster

“You touched on so many things that I feel have been there, like little nuggets of gold inside. They got unwrapped in my mind after all the things you went through. I know there’s more to uncover. I know I’ll connect to them in a bigger way. Thank you so much.” Lucy, London, UK

star cluster

“For me it’s a totally liberating feeling I have after taking all this in. Yes, I can DO anything with my life. Well, I'm certainly not carrying on like before. I know you're going to hold me to that. Good job!”, Joanna, Hampshire, UK

star cluster

“Sonja, that was so beautiful and you are so beautiful … full of joy … ahh it’s so beautiful.", Katrin, Bavaria, Germany

star cluster

“Legend babe! Your final reflections about serving life summed it all up for me...”, Lori, Perth, Australia

star cluster

“... all those dreams I'd put on hold. Enough of that, sweetie. Well, as you know, the SUP + yoga retreat at the lakes is happening next July. Thanks a bunch for your help”, Jenn, Oregon

star cluster

“The short videos are just right not to overwhelm you. Sonja - your delivery is wonderful - very warm and sincere. Perfect.”, Claire, Rabat, Morocco

star cluster

“... all those dreams I'd put on hold. Enough of that, sweetie. Well, as you know, the SUP + yoga retreat at the lakes is happening next July. Thanks a bunch for your help”, Jenn, Oregon

star cluster

“The short videos are just right not to overwhelm you. Sonja - your delivery is wonderful - very warm and sincere. Perfect.”, Claire, Rabat, Morocco

to the 'Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie' fans

and my coaching clients who've already tested 'Wealth Initiator' to make it better for YOU. I fixed all the critique points, so what remains is the LOVE ❤️ ...

Your Mentor

radiant gift

I am a mother, yoga teacher, coach, digital creator, and founder of:

Omoora Grow-Happy-like-a-Rich-Hippie

These are just labels. Let me share the story behind them, which is the reason I can help you ...

Today, I extend an invitation: dare to thrive outside the system with me.



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60-day satisfaction money-back guarantee